domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

The Better Hollidays

 Tagua-Tagua Lake
 Four Stupids boys
 The Monster of  Petrohue

I've always had, or most of the time, a very good holiday. I started with my family or with friends and generally have a great time.... but so far ... the ones I liked are the times I've come to Mochilear the last two years. The first time was with four friends from university and traveled from Puerto Varas to Llanada Grande and Chiloé too, and then I was alone and went  to Frutillar and elsewhere .... and after the earthquake occurred 27 / 2 while I stayed in Puerto Montt and. .. was a disaster.
The second time I went with a friend of the College, and traveled by Hornopirén, Caleta Gonzaló, Pumalin, Chaiten, Palena and elsewhere. It was a very rewarding trip and with many experiences, most good. The scenery is very beautiful, full of nature and where humans still try to keep their spaces, aser Regrettably, all this will soon destroyed by Hydroelectric companies, cable and the supposed "progress"  that poses a useless government. It is a shame to lose these natural assets, human and moral .


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

The stereoypes sucks!

The stereotypes sucks!. Really, I think that the stereotypes are a excelent weapon to generate a divsion between of countries. For example into Latin American reality, exist many kind of stereotypes  in all the region. The Argentines have one of the most beautiful womans, but they are very snobby and i feel that they think the’re the best. The Brazilians ever are carachterized for his skill in the dance ( In the new movie Rio, U.S.A show the Carnaval, the Favellas and the Cristo del Corcovado, because this topics are the typical stereotypes of Brazil). Peruvian and Bolivian are stigmatized by their Altiplanic conditions and figurate with Alpaca caps, particular accent, and Coca. Uruguayan’s are stereotyped for their small countrie,   Colombians and Venezuelans are conditioned by the drug and the Guyanas Guyanas ... well ... doesn’t   matter.

Bye and be careful with the stereotypes, nobody was save!!!

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

My favorite "Beaches"

Tongoy-IV Región
El Quisco- V Región

Marine Specimens

I like the sea. I like the beaches and sunsets. I like the tranquility offered by the ocean, but for many years I haven't gone to a beach. The first beach that i have memories of having gone isTongoy, Fourth Region. When i was a child, my family would always go to Tongoy, we swam in the sea, we played tennis on the beach, and played with floaters tricycles. I loved this beach, there are many familys stories that have happened there, but now Tongoy is too well known and so many people go  there... Tongoy lost its tranquility.
My other favorite is Quisco beach. On this beach i have seen the most beautiful sunsets that I know. I remember when I was a little I went with mi mom to El Quisco fot the weekend and we walked and walked very much.  After many years I returned, but with a group of friends of the University....was a nice reunion with the beach.
Finally, i must say that although I love going to the beach, the South took my heart, with its forests, rivers and rain. It's cooler, not so manny people, and i can walk quiter. Still, I can't deny that the beach has its good things. (see lats photo)......

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Correction of Catalina Escudero

Original text

Along the career of Geography, We've had at many(we)  field trip (wf). I remember that the first year,(P)(^) was very short and near of Santiago, because(ww) in the last year We began to have trip more long(wo),(P) in my second year, I have(wf) my best field trip, the subject it was for the field of Geography Cultural, we went to “Huasco Alto” in Atacama’s third region, although the field doesn’t(^) my favorite, the place was wonderful. Here still they live communities “Diaguitas”(wo) and are important part of our cultural heritage. The weather was very banker, in the morning was cold and in the evening was hot. In this trip, we made a job very important, applying an ethnographic methodology and we learnt much with the people. In this time the communities Diaguitas (wo) had(wf) the problem of Pascua Lama, because the water of the river “Huasco” would be affected for the miners(ww), and for this(we) the agriculture.
Another field trip that I liked, was the last year when we went to “San Clemente” in the VII region. This field trip, was very special because the place it’s very beautiful and mystic… here they realize tourism “Ufologic”(wo), indeed various companions of class were afraid!.

 Correction text

Along the career of Geography, We've had a lot of field trips. I remember that the first year the field trips was very short and near of Santiago,since in the last year we began to have more long trips. In my second year I had my best field trip, the subject it was for the field of Geography Cultural, we went to “Huasco Alto” in Atacama’s third region, although the field doesn’t is my favorite, the place was wonderful. Here still they live Diaguitas communities and are important part of our cultural heritage. The weather was very banker, in the morning was cold and in the evening was hot. In this trip, we made a job very important, applying an ethnographic methodology and we learnt much with the people. In this time the Diaguitas communities have a problem with Pascua Lama, because the water of the river “Huasco” would be affected for the mining, and also the agriculture.
Another field trip that I liked, was the last year when we went to “San Clemente” in the VII region. This field trip, was very special because the place it’s very beautiful and mystic… here they realize Ufologic tourism, indeed various companions of class were afraid!.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

The first of my Cd's

The first CD that i bought was " Chancho en Piedra: Marca Chancho". Chancho en Piedra is a chilean band  music. They play a kind of music called "fun rock" and they complementd with a sarcastics and blackhumor words. When I bought this Cd I felt very emotioned because this was the first Cd that I bought with my own money. I had 13 years old, and the few money that i had was part of my allowance. On one hand i thought that when i bought my Cd I had been a good inversion, for my house, my musical liberty, and my adolescent ego. On the other hand I felt that  began my independence.
Actually I really like Chancho en Piedra , and when i can, i listen his music, because I  consider that his music are very interesting and funny. Unfortunately this Cd was lost, and i never found it again, then quickly was forgotten.
Finally, I´ll think about things over before buy a CD, as the Internet makes it possible to download music directly and free...I'll start saving money today.