domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

My favorite "Beaches"

Tongoy-IV Región
El Quisco- V Región

Marine Specimens

I like the sea. I like the beaches and sunsets. I like the tranquility offered by the ocean, but for many years I haven't gone to a beach. The first beach that i have memories of having gone isTongoy, Fourth Region. When i was a child, my family would always go to Tongoy, we swam in the sea, we played tennis on the beach, and played with floaters tricycles. I loved this beach, there are many familys stories that have happened there, but now Tongoy is too well known and so many people go  there... Tongoy lost its tranquility.
My other favorite is Quisco beach. On this beach i have seen the most beautiful sunsets that I know. I remember when I was a little I went with mi mom to El Quisco fot the weekend and we walked and walked very much.  After many years I returned, but with a group of friends of the University....was a nice reunion with the beach.
Finally, i must say that although I love going to the beach, the South took my heart, with its forests, rivers and rain. It's cooler, not so manny people, and i can walk quiter. Still, I can't deny that the beach has its good things. (see lats photo)......

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